Poster printing, consisting of graphical, textual, and at times both elements, is 200-year-old marketing material for expressing art, advertising products, services, events, and performances. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of posters? To me, it is all about rock bands and movies. This might be the primary reason businesses ignore poster prints and visual artworks as their marketing weapon.
Do you know posters can be the most eye-catching promotional collateral if you use them correctly? It offers crucial and exciting information grabbing customers' interest effortlessly.

According to a survey conducted by Statista in 2016, “59 percent of respondents stated that poster advertising stood out more than newspaper advertisements, while 36 percent stated that poster advertising stood out more than television ads.”
Let us learn how this oldest form of advertising evolved over the years to be one of the most preferred promotional tactics for businesses.
Posters from the Past to the Present
The visual beauty and role of the poster are forever evolving and meeting the ever-changing trends of society.
Posters had wooden and metal engravings around 1878 during the invention of lithography printing. It was too slow and expensive to use. During the 1880s, with Cheret's three stone lithographic printing invention, the lithographic poster came into existence, resulting in remarkable color texture and intensity.
In 1891, the Moulin Rouge poster created quite a buzz, and the whole world fell in love with the art of the poster signs. Leonetto Cappiello, the father of modern advertising, paved the way for posters' mass production by creating bizarre and amusing images with texts that captured the masses' attention.

People Analyzing Illustration
The evolution of posters continues to flourish and still plays a significant role in art and advertising. The benefits of poster signs will help you believe that small and medium-sized businesses can use custom poster printing to increase brand awareness and recognition while successfully alluring customers to take action.
Benefits of Poster Printing
Are you thinking about promoting your brand, business, film, or event? Consider poster printing and if the idea is still not convincing, check out some of the benefits of poster advertising.
Poster Printing is Affordable
Out of several benefits, affordable pricing is one of the main advantages of poster promotions. If you think about where to print posters that make your purchase cost-effective, try to search for them online. Many trusted printing services like 4OVER4 offer custom poster designing templates and a range of finishes to make the poster signs attractive yet reasonable. Poster designing, printing, and installing are simple and the poster can last a long time. Considering custom posters for spreading your word to a vast audience is far more rational than saying it through radio, TV, or digital advertising.
Posters Create More Visibility

Calvin Klein Poster
You won't believe that a strategically placed poster near a joggers' park once made me stop in my tracks. Yes, such is the power of poster printing. There was this larger-than-life black and white poster with a plus-size model showing her truth and boasting her body proudly. It made me realize running around in my tracks for fitness is okay, but I shouldn't be ashamed of those extra pounds. The visual impact and size of a cleverly conceived custom poster can significantly affect your company's visibility.
Posters are Easy to Recognize
Print advertising is more comfortable to the eyes in comparison to digital ad displays. Our brains process the printed advertisements more efficiently and also find them enjoyable. Posters consisting of text and images create the right balance of drawing in the attention of people. In turn, people recognize the brand easily. Recent research in the USA reveals that people are far more likely to recall an advert they saw in print.
Poster Printing Gives You Flexibility

Whether poster banners or dry-erase posters, they are a variety of ways to convey your message for different interpretations. There are endless creative possibilities in poster printing. From awesome fonts to attention-grabbing graphic design and ingeniously written content, posters convey a compelling message on a grand scale in the simplest way possible. A perfect poster design is memorable and vibrant.
Poster Printing Local Impact
Do you think a well-positioned poster in a busy street, public escalator, a local town, or shopping complex area can draw the crowd's attention? It indeed can if you have the right campaign message in front of your target audiences. Take complete advantage of poster printing advertising's exclusive ability to reach large audiences in high footfall and car traffic areas.
Call to Action
Large format poster or graphics design poster campaigns have a long history behind them, but interestingly, they have a future. You may use the poster space to create rapid call-to-action for the customers and mention precisely what you want them to do. For instance, short phrases like book now, sign up, use the discount code, call today, or visit a specific link are some of the best direct instructions to your customers as a call-to-action message. Poster campaigns boost customer response.
Long-term Exposure with Poster Printing
Long shelf life and 24/7 accessibility are the two robust poster printing features compared to other print collaterals. The message printed on a poster is right in front for people to see, understand, and react for as long as the poster sign is in the same location. It may be for days, weeks, or months and as per the poster material's durability. You may use poster signs as a long-term marketing strategy. Frame them to ensure perfect long-term appearance.
Poster Printing Examples

Poster Printing in the Past
Recruitment for US Army
J.M. Flagg used his own face as Uncle Sam's infamous 1917 poster. It was created to recruit soldiers to fight in World War I and World War II.
Keep Calm and Carry On
This poster was initially created by the British Ministry of Information in 1939 before World War II to boost public morale. But it was mostly used after 60 years when the poster was rediscovered. Today, you can find several variations of this slogan printed on walls, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
Tips for Poster Printing
A large, attention-grabbing headline with a message in a font about half the headline's size can make the poster easy to read from a distance. You may use one big image instead of several smaller ones. The idea is to keep your graphic photo, illustration, text, or image distinct even from far. The use of bold colors in large poster flags or small sticker posters can make your design more prominent and vibrant.
Right design elements with strategic placement of posters can make all the difference to your business. Do you have custom cool posters ready for your next promotion or event?? Select one of the best poster printing services like 4OVER4, and be assured of receiving uniqueness in quality and pricing.