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    10 Illustrations to Commemorate Human Rights Day

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    Emma Davis

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    Dec 8, 20175267 Vistas

    Dec 8, 20175267 Vistas

    10 Illustrations to Commemorate Human Rights Day


      In 1950, the United Nations proclaimed the 10th of December as Human Rights Day. People across the world celebrate this day with speeches, works of art and activities created to bring attention to global issues. This year, Human Rights Day has launched a campaign marking the 70th anniversary using the hashtag #Standup4humanrights. Want to get active this 2017? Show your disapproval of Human rights abuses with a message of love, peace, and unity. Add your voice by creating an art piece that stands up for equality, justice and human dignity. Not only is art therapy for the soul, but it is also a way to transmit emotions and show our sensitivity towards human rights violations around the world.

      Human Rights Day Awareness Ideas

      We have compiled 10 illustrations that can inspire you to become a human rights activist this coming December 10th:

      #1 Children in War by Vedran Klemens

      2016 was the deadliest year for children, with more killed than in any other year of the Syrian civil war; as published by the BBC.

      10 Illustrations to Commemorate Human Rights Day

      #2 We Don’t Know our Rights by Nazario Graziano

      This vintage collage and pop art composition show that we are blind when it comes to our rights.

      #3 Drowned Syrian Boy by Carolina Neves

      Trying to escape the horror of the Syrian war, this boy, along with hundreds of Syrians, died in his attempt to cross the Mediterranean.

      #4 International Human Rights By Caro Altavilla

      This illustration has a vivid neon effect that creates a great contrast with the black background.

      #5 Human Rights Celebration by Richard Parker

      “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre.

      #6 Sex Trafficking By Emily Adkins

      7,500 cases of human trafficking were reported in 2016, according to the The National Human Trafficking Hotline.

      #7 Maya Angelou by Erin McManness

      Maya Angelou, the civil rights activist, taught the world inspiring lessons about life. “If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die” - Maya Angelou.

      #8 Stand up for Your Rights by Victoria Golovina

      We have 30 basic human rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Do you know them all? If not, it’s time to get educated!

      #9 The San by Audrey Lass

      The San have one of the oldest cultures on our planet still living the indigenous way. Message: Let’s respect the culture and fight against discrimination.

      #10 I am Human By Diyala Zada

      Food and shelter for all. We all have the right to a good life. Mothers and children; people who are old, unemployed, or disabled; and all people have the right to be cared for - article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

      Honor Human Rights Day

      Take action in your community by supporting a cause, hosting an event, volunteering, donating, starting a social media campaign, handing out t-shirts (upload your design and get them today at 4OVER4.COM), or come up with unique artwork that matches your brand. Create a painting or drawing that delights your audience and print it on a product like canvas prints, posters, brochures, tote bags or any item that fits your expectations. Choose the print product that best suits your needs and customizes it with your ideas. Order any of our products mentioned above or visit our site to browse for more ideas. How about a discount for the holidays? We’re offering a hard-to-miss 25% OFF on all print items using promo code “HOLIDEALS” until December 25th. Enjoy our holiday deals before they’re gone.

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