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    Holiday Print Ads and Christmas Trees Made of Things

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    Emma Davis

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    Dec 2, 20143873 Vistas

    Dec 2, 20143873 Vistas

    Holiday Print Ads and Christmas Trees Made of Things


      We don’t know about you but some of us start to feel the holiday spirit when Holiday Ads start to pop up around. Or when pumpkin spice lattes become a thing, at any rate, in terms of advertising, some of the most effective methods to create brand loyalty is to remind audiences that your brand is present year-round, and -as we all know- Christmas advertising cannot be overlooked. The holidays are a great opportunity for companies to stand out creatively, and top brands know exactly how to do it. 

      We have chosen the best holiday advertising with creative print ads to inspire you for your next holiday sale - fair warning: there will be lots of trees made out of things.

      Take a Look at This Compilation of Creative Holiday Print Ads:

      Mercedes-Benz: Subtly Brilliant

      Mercedes-Benz is a luxurious Brand characterized by their sleek elegance. This Ad creatively places a Christmas tree in the tire's design with their logo cleverly hinting at the star from the nativity scene. Simplicity is elegance.
      Holiday Print Ads and Christmas Trees Made of Things

      Starbucks: Layered Up

      Starbucks is well-recognized for its seasonal beverages. This dreamy Christmas tree, made out of whipped cream swirls proves that less is more. With direct copy and a solid background, the ad is effective and whimsical without being corny.
      Holiday Print Ads and Christmas Trees Made of Things

      McDonald's: Way to Make Us Beg for More

      This ad spreads holiday cheer while making us crave fries. We love the concept -trees made out of things are quite popular during the holidays - but we can't help but feel the background falls a little flat. However, whether it was Photoshopped or masterfully created by some commercial food whiz -they score awesome points for the simple feat of making us want to take one.
      Holiday Print Ads and Christmas Trees Made of Things

      Publicis Singapore

      “Every good idea begins with a pencil”. It is an effective way to send seasonal greetings and another creative way to make the core value of the business stand out. Although trees are one of the most emblematic images of the season, it's still refreshing to see them done differently in each ad, and with casual simplicity.

      Apple: Minimalist Design:

      Apple is known for its uncluttered approach to design. It does not get cleaner than this.

      Veet: The Holidays can be Funny Too

      We're laughing. Are you? It gets to the point in an innovative, clever, and amusing way.

      IKEA: Actually Possible

      Is there a better way for IKEA to say Happy Holidays? The adorable bookcase tree is actually achievable if you want to showcase an interesting and different tree at home. Also, it's kind of perfect for the lazy reader.

      Fedex: Thinking In The Box

      Sometimes, out of the box is not what you're looking for. We would have liked actual boxes better, but the sentiment's the same -a gift inside.

      Domino's Pizza: Pure Delight

      A slice of pizza with red salami and green peppers - delicious. Enough said. And because, not all Holiday Ads are Christmas Trees, these are our top picks for traditional and clever advertising in print.

      InBev: Refreshing

      InBev is a leading brewing company. It's almost like Santa's beer waiting for him after a long night delivering presents. It is an awesome way to advertise their product.

      Sky Cinema HD: Epic

      There's so much win in this holiday marketing we're just gonna be quiet about it.

      Coca-Cola: Cheerful and fun

      Many people associate Coca-Cola with Christmas, and that’s because they practically invented holiday campaign as we know it. The Coca-Cola Company began its Christmas ads circa 1920, and its long trajectory has strengthened the image of Coca-Cola throughout the years. Each year, they work hard to outdo the last. No compilation would ever be complete without one of their pieces:

      Nestle: Sweet and Creative

      Nestle comprises more than 2000 brands worldwide. Each December, the Company launches a series of special products dedicated to Christmas time like the "Christmas Boxes". This is actually an affordable idea you can do yourself.

      If you wanted to follow the model, simply arrange some o your products in the shape of some holiday-themed image -like this reindeer, to break from the tree tradition- and have it photographed for superior quality. You can probably also have a designer do it for you on Photoshop or similar. How about you: What is the best Christmas ad you have ever seen? Let us know in the comment section below.


      Q: What is holiday marketing and why is it important?

      A: Holiday marketing refers to promotional activities done during the holiday season to attract customers and boost sales. It is important because it is a time when consumer spending typically increases, making it a lucrative opportunity for businesses to reach their target audience.

      Q: Can you provide some examples of successful holiday marketing campaigns?

      A: Sure! Some notable examples include the heartwarming John Lewis Christmas ads, the nostalgic Sainsbury's holiday campaigns, and the emotionally engaging Heathrow Airport Christmas ads.

      Q: How can I create an effective holiday marketing strategy?

      A: To create an effective holiday marketing strategy, you should identify your target audience, set clear goals, create engaging holiday-themed content, optimize for mobile devices, and use social media to promote your campaigns.

      Q: What are some key elements of a successful holiday print ad?

      A: Some key elements of a successful holiday print ad include a catchy headline, eye-catching visuals, a compelling offer or message, a clear call to action, and a design that resonates with the holiday spirit.

      Q: What makes a holiday commercial stand out from the rest?

      A: A holiday commercial that stands out is one that evokes emotions, tells a compelling story, showcases creativity, aligns with the brand mission, and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

      Q: How can I create a visually appealing Christmas tree made of unconventional items?

      A: You can create a visually appealing Christmas tree made of unconventional items by using items like books, wine bottles, succulents, or even geometric shapes to form a unique and creative holiday centerpiece.

      Q: Are there any favorite holiday marketing taglines that have been memorable?

      A: Yes! Some memorable holiday marketing taglines include "Home for Christmas" by Heathrow Airport, "Gifts You Can't Wait to Give" by Target, and "Make Someone's Christmas" by Boots.

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