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    Stunning Travel Photography on Instagram

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    Emma Davis

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    Sep 19, 20242208 Vistas

    Sep 19, 20242208 Vistas

    Stunning Travel Photography on Instagram


      Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has taken photo sharing to a whole new level. Professional and amateur photographers rely on this platform to showcase their talent to thousands of potential followers. From the world’s coldest places to tropical beaches in South America, travel photographers make the world their home and share their experiences with the rest of us. Today’s post is for those who enjoy the combination of amazing destinations around the world and stunning photography. Whether you are a photographer, travel aficionado or just enjoy beautiful landscapes, take a moment and let Travel Photography on Instagram whisk you away (plus give you ideas to follow/pursue yourself!) We’ve scoured the app to find skilled photographers that have made it their passion to capture breathtaking views of far off lands. Here are eight awesome travel shots we found on Instagram:

      Chris Burkard's Travel Photography

      Chris Burkard has vast experience in travel photography, and a passion for shooting the ocean. He is a self-taught, expert surf photographer based in California with more than 1.2 million followers on Instagram. This year, Burkard gave a TED talk in which he shared his experiences of surfing in ice-cold water and explained his obsession with the coldest beaches on earth. His success is the fruit of his efforts, as he said, “ anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer, just a little bit.” This impressive shot was taken in the blue waters of the Greenland sea. More than a natural paradise, Burkard’s photo reflects on adventure and bliss. Through this photograph, Chris shares his love of nature and freezing waters.

      Take me to...Singapore

      Murad Osmann is one of the most popular photographers on this list, to say the least. His photography can be easily identified because it shows the back of his girlfriend as she leads him through spectacular places around the world. Osmann grabbed people’s attention with his renowned project “follow me”. The idea came after taking a picture where Nataly Osmaan, his then girlfriend and current wife, was annoyed that Murad was taking pictures all the time, so she pulled him. The first photo under the theme of “follow me” was taken in Barcelona. Murad has more than 3.6 million followers on Instagram, and the number continues to grow. His unique photography style has helped him become one of the best-known photographers of his kind. His photographs are taken from Murad’s point of view while Nataly holds his hand, just like this amazing picture that was taken in Singapore.

      Americana with Rubens

      Eric Rubens is a landscape photographer who has captured the California coast in all its splendor and beauty. Beaches, colorful skies, sunsets and wildlife are the main characters of his photographs. Each picture gives a sense of calm, peacefulness and happiness. Eric calls himself a citizen of the world, as he travels the globe looking to capture the beauty of fascinating places. He pushes the boundaries of creativity to stand out in the photography industry.

      Somewhere in... Cambodia

      Gary Arndt embarked on an unparalleled adventure when he sold his house to travel the world. Since 2007 he has been visiting all seven continents, taking pictures and blogging. Arnt has won various awards from the Society of The American Travel Writers and other organizations. He runs one of the most successful travel blogs out there: Everything Everywhere. At the beginning of his adventure he was a novice, but over time Gary became an award-winning photographer.

      Breathtaking Views with Cole Rise

      Cole Rise has spent most of his life behind the lens; he takes photos from all corners of the planet. His work draws you in and evokes positive emotions. From shooting landscapes, stalking cows to lying in the grass, Cole looks for moments worth capturing. Among Rise’s most precious adventures is crossing the United States on a motorcycle and traveling the Norwegian wilderness while taking pictures. Here’s a great shot of a lenticular cloud (not to be confused with lenticular printing), a rare sight over California.

      Shine a Light on Bolivia

      Brendan Van Son is a professional travel photographer from Canada. He started his career as a travel writer, but during his trips he became fascinated with photography. Soon after, Brendan discovered that he preferred telling stories through images rather than words. He has travelled over 80 countries in the past five years gaining more than 52.000 followers on Instagram. This picture was taken in the salt flats of Bolivia, a lesser known travel destination that we can all put in our calendars!

      Endless Adventure with Alana

      Kirsten Alana's life took a 360-degree turn when she decided to quit her job to travel the world. With more than 169,000 Instagram followers, Kristen inspires people to seek beauty in any place of the world from the concrete jungle to exotic beaches. This photo, taken in Egypt, shows the best mix of pinks, blues and oranges in a simple yet powerful shot.

      Faces and Places

      During his trips, Ken Kaminesky does not only seek to capture images, but stories that motivate people to experience the world at large. Kaminesky features art, culture and food in his pictures. Since each place is unique, he says his favorite place is always his next destination. What can you say about this photo taken in Myanmar; the people and vivid colors are amazing. Ken truly captures this young novice monk’s wisdom and serenity. This is just a glimpse of all the striking photos that can be found searching Instagram Travel Photography tags. With adventurous photographers who devote their lives to exploring the far corners of the world, travel photography enables us to appreciate every corner of the world from the best angle and with the best light. It also serves as inspiration for your next photo project or holiday. Are you a travel photographer too? Amateur? Immortalize your own snaps in print with custom made calendars, key chains or postcards. Did we mention we have 3D lenticular ones? What was your favorite photograph? Please share your thoughts below!

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      Tanto si eres un magnate de negocios establecido como un emprendedor emergente en ascenso, hay algo que no se puede negar: las tarjetas de presentación son una herramienta esencial para establecer contactos. En el mundo cada vez más digital en el que vivimos, la naturaleza táctil de una tarjeta de presentación ofrece un toque personal que simplemente no se puede replicar en línea. Esta guía completa te guiará a través del proceso de creación de tus propias tarjetas de presentación únicas utilizando la plataforma 4OVER4.COM. Además, podrá echar un vistazo a nuestra herramienta de diseño en línea fácil de usar que le permite crear tarjetas de presentación llamativas con facilidad. Aproveche el poder del diseñador en línea de 4OVER4.COM Crear tarjetas de presentación elegantes y de aspecto profesional no requiere años de experiencia en diseño gráfico. Con la intuitiva herramienta en línea de 4OVER4.COM, puede crear fácilmente sus propios diseños personalizados. La herramienta ofrece una sencilla interfaz de arrastrar y soltar y proporciona plantillas en blanco completas con pautas de impresión claras para garantizar que su contenido siempre se coloque perfectamente y nunca demasiado cerca del borde de su tarjeta. Este potente diseñador en línea permite a cualquier persona poner en marcha su negocio desde cero. La capacidad de cargar su propio diseño está ahí para aquellos que tienen una visión clara de lo que quieren. Pero para aquellos que prefieren elegir entre las plantillas existentes, tenemos una amplia biblioteca de más de 10.000 plantillas listas y esperando por usted. Estas plantillas no son simplemente imágenes estáticas; Son campos editables donde puedes agregar nombres, logotipos y personalizarlos de acuerdo con la identidad de tu marca. Una característica importante integrada en nuestro diseñador en línea es el generador de códigos QR seguros. Esta tecnología única te permite crear tarjetas de presentación basadas en códigos QR, una forma innovadora de conectarte con tus clientes digitalmente mientras mantienes el enfoque tradicional de la red física. Los clientes pueden simplemente escanear el código QR en tu tarjeta usando su dispositivo móvil para acceder a más información sobre tus servicios o productos, lo que garantiza que cada tarjeta que entregues se convierta en una herramienta de marketing dinámica. Igual de importante es la capacidad de guardar todos estos diseños directamente en nuestra plataforma. Piensa en ella como un sistema de almacenamiento en la nube para todos tus productos creativos. Puedes volver a visitar estos diseños guardados en cualquier momento, editarlos si es necesario o reutilizarlos para diferentes proyectos o campañas. Esta función no solo agiliza el proceso de diseño, sino que también permite una marca consistente en diferentes medios. En esencia, el diseñador en línea de 4OVER4.COM es más que una herramienta: es una solución integral que atiende tanto a profesionales experimentados como a emprendedores primerizos en la creación de tarjetas de presentación impactantes que realmente representen su marca. Plantillas listas para usar para diseños profesionales instantáneos de 4OVER4.COM Como se dijo, tenemos una vasta colección de más de 10,000 plantillas listas para usar plantillas diseñadas para satisfacer las necesidades de diferentes industrias y casos de uso. Estas plantillas están ordenadas por categorías, lo que le permite buscar y seleccionar fácilmente la que mejor se adapte a las necesidades de su negocio. Nuestros potentes filtros le permiten examinar esta extensa colección con facilidad. Puede filtrar las plantillas según el color, la industria, el caso de uso comercial y más. Esto no solo simplifica su búsqueda, sino que también garantiza que encuentre un diseño que se alinee con la identidad visual de su marca. Además, estas plantillas no son rígidas ni restrictivas. Por el contrario, sirven como punto de partida para su creatividad. Con nuestro potente editor, Portfoliator, puede modificar y personalizar cualquier plantilla elegida para que se ajuste a sus requisitos específicos. Ya sea que se trate de cambiar el esquema de colores o agregar nuevos elementos de diseño, las posibilidades son infinitas. La importancia de la velocidad en los negocios no se puede exagerar. En el mundo acelerado de hoy, el tiempo es dinero. Aquí es donde nuestras plantillas listas para usar brillan. Creadas por expertos, estos diseños le ahorran la molestia y el tiempo de comenzar desde cero. Todo lo que necesita hacer es cargar su logotipo o elementos de marca, modificar el diseño según sea necesario y ¡listo! Su tarjeta de presentación de aspecto profesional está lista. En esencia, nuestras plantillas listas para usar ofrecen una combinación ideal de conveniencia, flexibilidad y velocidad. Le permiten crear tarjetas de presentación visualmente impactantes que no solo se destacan, sino que también encapsulan lo que representa su marca, todo mientras ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo valiosos.

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