Today, the word networking is widely heard and used term. What is networking? In simple words, networking means building relations, meeting people, and forming contacts usually, in the field you wish to work or do business. Business cards are the best way to share your detail with the person you are networking. So, it has become essential to print business cards for your kids as soon as they head out to college. When you network professionally from an early age, you may get to know about several job opportunities through your networking contacts. 4OVER4.COM, the leading online business card printing service with experts working day and night, can help to ease your worries about placements after college. The professionals working with us are highly skilled in understanding the need of the hour and suggest the best business card printing template from the vast range of design templates. But, firstly, it is essential to know how does networking work and why it is vital to print business cards for kids before heading out to college.
How Does the Networking Work at College Level?

Networking is something very common, and at times, you even do it unknowingly. Wondering how? You talk to your friends, relatives, classmates, and people around and that is very common. They can be a great source of having contact. When you are a student without any foot forward in your chosen industry or having any idea of what you wish to do further, many times, networking helps you to decide and understand your goal. Being a part of college university organization or society, opens up significant opportunities for you. You become a part of the community of great connections. In such a scenario, offering a business card helps to create an excellent professional impact. Also, working as an intern during your college days helps you to learn a great deal from your temporary colleagues or employees working there. By successfully completing your internship, you create a good impression and can return to the same company after completing your studies. Print your card in such a way that people remember you even after 2 or 3 years. 4OVER4 business card printing online design templates offer a wide variety and quality within affordable prices.
Benefits of Print Business Cards Before Heading Out to College
Helps to Be Personable
When your children head out to college, they get several opportunities to network through various new people they meet, or clubs and communities they work for. The relations they build from this stage can go on to be the source of their success in the long run. But, how can you help the people remember you even after 2 or 3 years? Business cards help you to be personable, maintain eye contact, and continue the friendly conversation for a long time. A physical business card creates a great impression on the people you meet and also help you to share your contact detail easily and stand out from rest of your competitors. You just need to make the initiative to introduce yourself by handing over the business card and strike the conversation.
Print Business Cards for Accessibility

The facts show that there are over 96% of people have smartphones, and there is hardly anyone without a smartphone in recent times. But many colleges restrict the use of mobiles during important classes or on certain premises. If you meet someone significant under such circumstances, how will you share your contact information? Business cards come to your rescue during such delicate times. Moreover, having your smartphone doesn’t mean that you will be able to share your contact information easily. Instead of typing your information in the mid of an important discussion, you can just take out your visiting card and hand it over while continuing the conversation. Business cards come in handy in such situations. 4OVER4 is the most preferred business card printing service near you. We offer a collection of high-quality premium card stocks, a range of printing finishes, and also the Green Printing technology as an option.
Showcase Your Creativity by Printing Business Cards
Your college-goer may be highly creative, but no smartphone or LinkedIn invitation can showcase his/her creativity. On the contrary, though small 2″ x 3.5″, the business cards give a greater scope to impress their networking clients. You must ensure a unique design and customize your card with the right style, color combinations, and finishes. For a vibrant and lively edge to your card, you may check out our painted edges business cards or also choose the popular die-cut, metallic foil, or spot UV matte business card finishes. If you are not sure about the design or how it will look after printing, you may ask for an online sample card design completely free. Check your printed card design online, once satisfied, we go ahead with the printing. If you are not, we suggest you the best finish or paper stock suitable for your college-going kid’s business card. The exceptional business cards make a place in the heart of the prospective colleagues or employers, when the college-goer presents his self-branded cards. When your prospective employer or colleague takes your card while meeting you, your brand makes a mark and stays with the employer for a long time. So, choose the right design and business card printing paper and stand out with complete focus on you.
Self-Promotion with Visiting Cards

Your college going kids can share a business card to promote themselves and their online presence. Never forget to include the business card printing staples. It includes your college-goers name, contact information, email ID, and phone number. If you think any of your social handles showcase your child’s creative side, you may include it on the card. But you must ensure that your college-goer’s social handle is good enough or rather suitable for professional use. If you are studying graphic designing, you may share Canva or Dribble account. It showcases your portfolio and promote your work.
They Get Shared – Your Continuing Promotions
By business card printing for your kid heading out to college, you help them to exchange contact information with the right prospect. You also help in showcasing their brand for future growth. If the recipient of the card is impressed by the efforts and happy, looking at the college-goer’s card, they are more likely to share it with others too. So, ensure you make the card design unique and exclusive. To create a space and remain in the mind of the potential employer even after the end of the communication during college days. When your card gets shared, your brand gets recognition in front of several other prospects. When you don’t have a card, you end up writing your name and contact no. in a piece of paper. It looks highly unprofessional and likely to get lost and torn. If you have a well-designed card, it’s less likely to be set aside and forgotten. 4OVER4.COM is one of the leading names when it comes to online business card printing NYC. Customize your card from our range of business card design templates. Make your college activities and events, a good place to network professionally.
Easy to Create Your Personal Brand
Black and white photography student's professional card Business cards reflect professionalism. It does not just prove that you are prepared but also show that you are ready to take up and face the challenges. You give an appearance as the next big thing dealing with every problem at ease. As a current student of the college or soon-to-be graduate, you must ensure to brand yourself in the right way. Whether aiming for a particular interest or industry, your personal brand creation is a must and you should have one. The standard business cards are the best way to showcase your brand, attract attention, and stand out among the classmates.
Order custom business cards online with 4OVER4 for assured print quality, unique print finishes, variety in premium paper stock and card stock, and printing. Highlight your personal brand and make a mark in your college by standing out among all. Our state-of-the-art business card printing machines and team of skilled people does complete justice to your professional cards. 4OVER4 customer service team is well adept in handling all your queries in timely manner and offer great assistance.