Discover the magic of Metallic Wonderfoil and Lenticular printing at 4OVER4. Create stunning and eye-catching designs that stand out from the crowd.
All metallic foil business cards are printed on 16-point cardstock and are SILK LAMINATED. An order for metallic foil business cards can only have one type of foil, either Gold or Silver. Hence, an order with Gold foil on the front and Silver foil on the back is NOT POSSIBLE.
When doing a metallic foil business card, a foil mask must be created and uploaded with your full color file. The file for the Foil mask MUST ONLY be black and white (100% Black). 100% Black in the areas you want the foil, and white in the areas you do not want the foil. You must ensure that your foil mask file only has 100% black in it and will represent where there will be foil stamped on the final product. (please see images below illustrating how to correctly set up your files).
100% Black Foil Mask File
Note: Please make sure that you have prepared your foil mask file precisely and it is positioned correctly to where it is intended to be placed.
4OVER4.COM will absolutely not be held responsible for foil mask files that have not been saved correctly to the desired final positioning wanted by the customer.
For a printed sample of the example above, and 16-point silk laminated metallic foil business cards from 4OVER4.COM, please email and ask for samples
Order Your METALLIC FOIL Cards Now!With WonderFoil, you can turn a wide range of CMYK colors, into multi-colored foils.
Transform large solid areas, half tones, gradients, as well as reversed out areas, into a radiant, sparkling foil finish. With our state-of-the-art equipment you can have MULTIPLE COLORS IN FOIL ON THE SAME DESIGN.
The design possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Never before has there been the ability to offer such diversity and multiple foil finishes, at a super affordable price.
Stand out like NEVER BEFORE.
When doing a WonderFoil business card, a foil mask must be created and uploaded with your full color CMYK file. The file for the WonderFoil mask MUST ONLY be black and white (100% Black). 100% Black in the areas you want the foil, and white (0%) in the areas you do not want the foil. You must ensure that your foil mask file only has 100% black in it and will represent where your full color artwork will be transformed into a full color foil.
Note: Please make sure that you have prepared your foil mask file precisely and it is positioned correctly to where it is intended to be placed. 4OVER4.COM will absolutely not be held responsible for foil mask files that have not been saved correctly to the desired final positioning wanted by the customer.
Avoid "HALO" effect of white around the knockout area. To prevent this effect, grow/stroke the WonderFoil area in the mask by 12 pixels. This will allow the WonderFoil to bleed into the CMYK area, reducing the white "Halo" effect. You can also fill in the knockout with a color to reduce the effect further.
For a printed sample of the example above, and 16-point high gloss UV, WonderFoil business cards from 4OVER4.COM, please email and ask for samples.
Order Your WONDER FOIL Cards Now!Common 3D Lenticular examples:
FLIP: Most popular effect used to show 2 or 3 distinct images, one right after the other. Sell multiple products, make your business card bi or tri-lingual, or simply induce a second look.
MOTION EFFECT: Present a simple video action sequence or product demonstration on your business card" .
As you can see from the animation above, your images will transition from one to another as you move the card up and down.
3D LENTICULAR BUSINESS CARDS are guaranteed attention grabbers. People will lookat them and pay attention tot eh effect created over and over. Additionally they’ll show the card around and usually keep it handyto show others.
3D Lenticular Cards from 4OVER4.COM allow you to have two or three different pictures in one. We take your images and create a swapping effect, each image vanishing and then reappearing from one to another as you tilt the card up and down. In addition, an optional backside, printed in regular 4 color process, is also available.
Note: At the moment, only a vertical transition or flip is available for order.
Note: Another thing to keep in mind is how many files will be uploaded. It depends if you have a two or three image transition.
Two Image Transition AND NO Printed Backside (4/0) : 2 files
Three Image Transition AND NO Printed Backside (4/0) : 3 files
Two Image Transition WITH Printed Backside (4/4) : 3 files
Three Image Transition WITH Printed Backside (4/4) : 4 files
File Naming: When naming your files, please try to follow the following naming convention
Front3 (if you have 3 transitions, instead of 2)
For a printed sample of the example above, and of 21-point 3D Lenticular business cards from 4OVER4.COM, please email and ask for samples
Order Your 3D LENTICULAR Cards Now!When doing a Spot UV business card, postcard or pocket folder a Spot UV mask must be created and uploaded with your full color file. The file for the Spot UV mask MUST ONLY be black and white (100% Black). 100% Black in the areas you want the Spot UV effect to be on, and white in the areas you do not want the Spot UV. You must ensure that your Spot UV mask file only has 100% black in it and that will represent where there will be a Spot UV Layer added to the final product. (Please see images below illustrating how to correctly set up your files).
There may be up to a 1/16" shift on the placement of the spot UV on your order. Keep this in mind if you are trying to align spot UV with other printed artwork on the card.
100% Black Spot UV Mask Files
Spot UV Finish
Note: Please make sure that you have prepared your Spot UV mask file precisely and it is positioned correctly to where it is intended to be placed. 4OVER4.COM will absolutely not be held responsible for Spot UV mask files that have not been saved correctly to the desired final positioning wanted by the customer. Below you will find images illustrating how to correctly set up your files and to see what the Spot UV mask file should look like:
For a printed sample of the example above, and of 16-point Silk Laminated Spot UV business cards from 4OVER4.COM, please email and ask for samples
5th Color white is available for Clear Labels, Aluminum Signs and Clear Clings. We are using Clear Clings as an example, but the file prep and color mask work the same for all printing products with 5th color white option.
Similar to Spot UV masks, White Mask files are separate from your artwork files and black color indicates where the white ink will print.
Make sure to create your mask file the same size as your color art file. This will prevent alignment issues during printing.
Note: White Masks must be made in vector format and be saved as EPS or PDF and use 100% K.
Use vector paths/shapes to create black color areas that will indicate where the white ink base will go. The rest of the area will represent the Clear Window Cling stock.
Black in the White Mask file indicates where white ink will be printed. Remember the following when creating a white mask for your white ink base: